Ciaran Dolan



Ciaran Dolan is an economist, mediator and barrister who has represented the agri-food sector for over thirty years. Ciaran Dolan
Ciaran has been at the forefront in a wide range of issues, including Economic and social matters
Economic issues relating to farming and agri-business policies
Land law
Negotiation with public and private utilities on land acquisition including wayleaves
Regulatory issues
Environmental Issues
Finance and Credit issues
Taxation and Social Welfare policies and issues
Rural Development policies
CAP Regulations Reform negotiations
EU environment legislation
GATT/WTO negotiations
Food standards, safety and quality



Current positions


Consultant Agribusiness & Food Policy Consultants
Mediator Accredited Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 
Member of National Statistics Board Statutory body, established by the 1986 Statistics Act, to provide for the strategic direction of the Central Statistics Office and with the remit to set priorities for the provision of official statistics for public and all other uses including business and enterprise. 

Previous positions










Chief Executive/General Secretary











July 2000– May 2012 (11 years 11 months)Limerick, Ireland. The role and responsibilities as Chief Executive/General Secretary were to provide strategic direction and leadership to the organisation as well as ensuring the efficient and effective implementation of plans and decisions.  This entailed direct involvement with a wide diversity of stakeholders including farmers, government departments, EU institutions, public agencies, the other social partners, the Press, food firms, and a broad range of service providers.Ciaran Dolan had been centrally involved in every major policy issue affecting farming and the agri-business sector in Ireland during the previous thirty three years. 

Council Member National Economic & Social Council (Ireland)  1984 – 2008The main task of NESC is to provide a forum for discussion of the principles relating to the development of the National economy and to advise the Government, through the Taoiseach, (Prime Minister) on their application 
Chief Economist ICMSA

Education and Professional Qualifications


Barrister-At-Law The Honorable Society of King’s Inns
MCIArb. Accredited by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)  (University of Limerick, 2007)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)  (University of Limerick 1989)
M.Agr.Sc.(Econ.)  (University College Dublin 1979)
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (B.Agr.Sc)  (University College Dublin 1978)

Other past Activities


Member of The European Advisory Committee on Statistical Information in the Economic and Social Spheres This Committee was established by the EC to assist in determining the objectives, priorities and the nature of statistical information required to support EC policies
Chairman Board of Management, Ardscoil Rís, Limerick CityArdscoil Rís is an-all boys secondary school with over 700 pupils and a teaching staff of 50 
Lecturer (Occasional) on Agri-Business University of Limerick
Contributor to newspapers and other publications